In this article, I’d like to share my condensed view on agile product development teams. It might help you to find your personal role in such a team or even setup a team based on my blueprint, as a team architect. Let me know, if you need any additional input. I’m happy to learn, help and speak about this topic. In the last years, I gained experience in different projects from delivering individual software with a single small team to developing large IT platforms with multiple agile teams (and non agile management) involved. In parallel, I deduced the principles from frameworks, i.e. Scrum, Kanban, Scrumban, LeSS and SAFe , and adapted them to our specific problems in the project. In the following sections, I will cover the process, the roles and responsibilities inside the team and how to combine them as well as supportive methods and tools to develop products. The following drawing provides an overview of these aspects, which I will describe in greater detail below. Agile...
What about leadership in the agile world? Do we still need leaders if we run agile? Due to my experience in agile teams my answer is: "Yes, we need leadership but less managers! " The tasks itself are straight forward. But leading agilely means solving them different, new, agile. That means,no power to micro-managers by transparency. Instead, accomplishment and affiliation driven smart enabler and servant leaders without ego. But this is easier said than done. Lots of stuff is written about working agile. Frameworks, such as Scrum , define the basic team structure, processes and tools about organizing small teams of about 7 people. Other methods, such as SAFe , sketch how to interact between teams and scale agile to enterprise level. And lot’s of best practices (e.g. Spotify engineering culture ) describe how to run agile companies by example. However, I'd like to share my thought on the topic "agile leadership" I gained from agile projects and teams in the...