How the new approaches “Agile methods”, “Microservice Architecture” and “Minimum Viable Products” (MVPs) perfectly fit together.
Although the new approaches originate from different disciplines, they share the same two old and well known concepts: Divide & conquer and Inspect & adapt . Why these approaches? – Because we naturally fail. Today’s digital globalization requires highly integrated IT systems with rich functionality. In order to develop and operate such large and complex IT, we cannot simply scale the projects. Instead, we come up with new approaches such as MVPs in product management, Microservices in IT architecture and agile methods in project management. Why these aspects? – Because they are crucial for successful IT products. Product management focusses on the outcome - the IT product – from an external perspective. Whereas IT architecture defines the internal structure of the IT product. And project management considers the people and processes in order to manage limited time, resources and features respectively quality, since products are usually developed as project. Agile ...