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Es werden Posts vom Juni, 2018 angezeigt.

Leading the agile way

What about leadership in the agile world? Do we still need leaders if we run agile? Due to my experience in agile teams my answer is: "Yes, we need leadership but less managers! " The tasks itself are straight forward. But leading agilely means solving them different, new, agile. That means,no power to micro-managers by transparency. Instead, accomplishment and affiliation driven smart enabler and servant leaders without ego. But this is easier said than done. Lots of stuff is written about working agile. Frameworks, such as Scrum , define the basic team structure, processes and tools about organizing small teams of about 7 people. Other methods, such as SAFe , sketch how to interact between teams and scale agile to enterprise level. And lot’s of best practices (e.g. Spotify engineering culture ) describe how to run agile companies by example. However, I'd like to share my thought on the topic "agile leadership"  I gained from agile projects and teams in the...

Umgang mit Stress im Job - für Leader und Gestresste

Die Welt wird immer schneller - durch Digitalisierung. Alles ist vernetzt, immer online immer abrufbar. Und das führt bei uns Menschen zu Stress: Der Chef ist unfähig, der Kollege ist doof, das Teammitglied ist faul. Jedoch machen wir uns den Stress an sich selbst - in unserem Kopf mit unseren Gedanken. Doch auch unsere Umgebung beeinfluss uns. Wie also umgehen mit Stress? Entziehen können wir uns der Welt leider nicht. Wir sind ein Teil davon. Und auch wenn wir über die fortschreitende Digitalisierung schimpfen, wir nutzen sie doch. Also, wie gehen wir um mit dem Stress unserer Welt? Falsche Zusammenarbeit stresst.   In den meisten Fällen erleben wir Stress in unserer Arbeitswelt. Wesentliche Quellen für Stress sind nicht in unserem Arbeitsergebnissen sondern im Zusammenleben zu finden: Leiden unter Streitsucht unserer Kollegen Ausbleiben individueller Anerkennung und Fehlender Teamgeist Es liegt also an unserer Zusammenarbeit und an Kommunikation zwischen uns und...

Building great APIs - the art of developer experience

Developing successful business by adapting your products to the diverse global market, relies on quick and sustainable technical integration. Hence, designing a great interface (API) is the key for product success today. Classical IT architects, however, don't really care for design, but developer experience people do. I show 5 techniques to design great APIs based on the experience in my last project. Let me start with a story about the importance of integrated systems for customer experience. I'm humanistic nerd and triathlete. So, I enjoy to track and analyze my sport performance. I train with a Polar M400 watch and use training plans from the corresponding cloud service Polar Flow . Now, I missed an additional navigation system to not ride the same track all the time and I'd liked to track cadence, which is, unfortunately, not possible with the Polar M400. However, I neither liked the bicycle computer Polar M460 , since it's just the features of watch in a b...